Thursday, May 11, 2006

When OCD meets snack time

My brother thinks I'm a freak. I staunchly deny this, of course. I'm perfectly normal, thankyouverymuch. Or, at least I thought I was. I bought a big ole bag of Monster Trail Mix last weekend at Target. Yummy stuff. Nothing freakish about eating trail mix, right? Well, I didn't think so either until I noticed how I eat it. One component at a time.

Raisins first
... then butterscotch chips
... then M&Ms
... then chocolate chips
... then peanuts.

No taking a handful and cramming it all into my mouth at once. Nope.

One. At. A. Time.

Really, that's not freakish, though. Is it? IS IT???

Edited to add: Okay, in this case I only ate the raisins, butterscotch chips, M&Ms and the chocolate chips. Got a phone call then, left the computer and came back to find that my little bitch-dog ate all the peanuts! Grrrrr.


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