Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Speaking of books ....

Once upon a time, Steve read that one of his favorite authors, Louis L'Amour, kept a journal of every book he read. I'm no L'Amour fan, but I found this concept intriguing and so started keeping a log myself. I only note title, author and month/year completed. I don't read especially fast, but do read daily. I keep this log in a notebook by my bed till I have a few pages, then transfer them to an Excel document. I just transferred and decided to look at the count. I was shocked to find that I have read 366 book since January, 1996. For anyone who is a fast reader (like my mom) that probably doesn't sound like many ... one about every 10 days or so. For me, it sounds like a helluva lot! Plus, it's definitely a walk down memory lane to read down the list.

Dang. You'd think after reading all those books I'd be smart by now, huh?


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