Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Confessions of a Peeping Tom

I have become completely addicted to a live web cam.

It's an eagle's nest somewhere on Hornby Island, British Columbia, Canada. The eagle is sitting on two eggs that are due to hatch any day. I keep the site up all the time I'm on the computer. Of course, this has caused me to get the pee scared out of me a few times. See, I keep the sound up while I'm busy elsewhere so that I can hear if she starts rustling around so I can go peek real quick to see what's going on. Just a while ago, all was quiet and then she suddenly started calling out. I about jumped out of my skin.

She seems to be preparing her nest for her imminent arrivals. She's been fussing with her nest - rearranging stuff. She's moved several bigger sticks into a circle around her. Making a little "cage" so the babies can't get near the edge? I can't believe how addicted I've become to this site. It's running in the background every time, all the time I'm on the computer. (Which is quite often, I hesitate to admit!)

I just find this truly amazing. Around here, one occasionally sees an eagle, but to get to watch one so close-up and intimately? For starters, she and her mate are gorgeous. And she never, ever seems to sleep. Occasionally when she calls out her mate comes and changes places with her so she can go ... (hunt? pee? drink?). Probably all of the above. But she sometimes calls out for no reason that's obvious to me. After you watch a while you can tell the difference between Mom and Dad. He look fiercer. Check out the faces.

The boys and I can't wait for the babies to come. Just imagine getting to see them be fed, to grow and, eventually, leave the nest. One doesn't often get to witness life's little miracles up close and personal. This is an incredible opportunity to do so. Check it out.


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