Sunday, June 04, 2006

Discovery of the day ….

I’m coloured.

Yeah, I know. You’d think I would have figured that out before now, huh? And I do know that we Americans spell it colored but the Aussie ladies on SS say coloured and I like that better. And, in this instance, I think it fits better.

I think us “whites” actually had it right when we started calling “black” people “coloured”. Problem is, we stopped there. We didn’t extend that description to include ourselves. I mean, have you ever seen a truly white person? Even albinos have a pale pink shade to their skin. Have you ever seen a truly black person? No. Even the darkest black is not black. Honestly, I think seeing a truly, completely black person would scare the crap out of me. Then again, seeing an absolutely white person would scare the crap out of me, too. But I read too much Stephen King so never mind me.

Have you ever seen a yellow Chinese? Have you ever seen a red Indian? Nope. Nope.

No one is actually the colours we describe them by. Or did, before we got so PC.

We’re ALL coloured. Even amongst a single race/colour there’s a huge spectrum of shades. And then there’s those of us who change colours with the seasons. Primarily those of us formerly known as white.

I think the next time I have to fill out a form that asks for race, I’m going to write in “coloured”. Wonder what kind of response I’ll get?


At 6:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this point of view!! great point!

At 11:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great idea! Cant wait to hear what happens when you say you are coloured and Yep that is the correct spelling at least in AU>


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