Wednesday, October 25, 2006

[Brought to you by the weekly SS blog challenge.]

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The challenge:"If I had it all to do over again, I would do most all things differently. However, how would I know that, if I had not had the opportunity to do them the first time." - Janice Markowitz

In golf, there's this thing called a Mulligan. Basically, if your golfing buddies agree to let you have it, it's your chance to try again without a penalty. It's a do-over. We don't get many Mulligans in life. But if we did ... if there was one Mulligan you could take - one do-over - what would it be?
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First thought ... I've made so darned many mistakes in my life that choosing just one to Mulligan would be really difficult. Upon further reflection, I realize that even the big mistakes have played a part in making me who I am today. Would I really want to change that? What part of me would I remove because I deleted the experience that taught me that lesson or affected that part of my personality or possibly even changed my life's path?
For instance, in some ways, one of the biggest mistakes of my life was my former marriage. And yet, my current life may well be a direct result of that. See, if I had never married him, I would never have met Kelly. If I hadn't met Kelly, I would never have gone to her sister's Halloween party many years later after we were both divorced. If I had never gone to the sister's Halloween party, I never would have met Steve. If I had never met Steve, I wouldn't be married to him today and have these two incredible kids. Would I change that? Absolutely not! And yet, if I'd never made the mistake of that first marriage, it's quite likely it would never have happened.
While it would be hugely tempting to me to take back one of my former mistakes, I think the best thing for me to do would to be to not. Who knows what other part of me I would lose along with that mistake? It's just not worth the risk.


At 9:34 PM, Blogger Martha said...

I"m reading your response well after I crafted mine...and WOW, I knew there was a reason I like ya! :)

Great mines blog alike it seems..


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