Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Rhyme? Reason? Where?

Today's been a pretty rotten day for me. And, trust me, I know that sounds selfish. Imagine how Cameron's poor mom feels! Well, that's why it's been such a rotten day. I can't stop imagining how she's feeling. How can a mother possibly survive something like that? I know they do. I know they do it every day. I just cannot imagine how.

I've had complete strangers walk up to me and tell me that I'm going to die because they see me smoking. Well, they're almost assuredly right there! I assume they mean die of lung cancer. Maybe. Maybe even probably. Then again ...

My sister-in-law's uncle died of lung cancer two short years after he quit smoking. Interestingly, it was not the kind of lung cancer you can get from smoking.

A good friend John lost his wife to cervical cancer. She was 35. Didn't smoke, didn't drink, ate well and exercised daily.

Lane's 14 year-old friend just died even though the prognosis for his full recovery was originally good.

Where is the rhyme or reason in any of this? I know I sound whiny. But I feel pretty whiny.

The good news is that Lane seems to be coping fairly well. He's had a few tears today but that's perfectly natural. The funeral will be hard. Who am I kidding? The funeral will be a nightmare.

This is one of those days where one keeps asking 'why'? But there never are any answers, are there?


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