Thursday, November 03, 2005

Stuff no one wants to read

Why am I starting a blog if I'm sure no one would want to read it? Darned good question. I suppose to give myself an outlet and spare my friends. This way I can babble here and they won't be forced to pretend they're listening. Poor things. No more sitting patiently while I blather on and on as they stifle yawns until their jaws ache and their eyes run with tears from the effort. Now I can just direct them here and, when I ask if they read it, they can politely lie and say they did!

Maybe it's just to seem busy, thereby allowing myself to put off cleaning up after my three guys.

Maybe it's just to amuse myself. Hey, I live in Kansas. It doesn't take much!!

Maybe for no reason at all.

So, dear friends of mine ... enjoy!

Or not.


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